BoffinSQL for Oracle

overview of BoffinSQL for Oracle

BoffinSQL for Oracle has been jointly developed in partnership with Opted Multimedia. It is a desktop utility that simplifies the process of getting data from Oracle databases into management reports, by enabling simple download of data into a range of formats including Excel ®, Access ®, allowing new management reports can be quickly developed and automated by non-oracle users who will only need assistance with the SQL.

For IT departments BoffinSQL creates cost & time savings by not having to waste time developing graphical reports. All they need to provide simply is the SQL which will enable the user to get a portable data extract, giving them easy access to the data they need in a familiar format which they can use and manipulate. This means that BoffinSQL provides the ability to supply tactical information quickly and easily, which can then be used to prototype strategic solutions.

For the departmental manager BoffinSQL provides a simple, effective and lost cost solution for delivering information from Oracle databases to individuals in the format of their choice. The delivery of this information can be automated on a regular basis to anywhere in the world. By using their own preferred presentation tools, reports can be changed quickly and easily by the departmental report owners as well as additional data analysis, rather than waiting for formal development of changes by the IT department.

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